
History of the hospital The first buildings were build around 1992.

The hospital is under the control of the archbishop of Uganda
and is a non-profit hospital.

The hospital was operated without water and power supply during the first four years.
In 1996 more buildings were added and external electricity was added.
Furthermore, a borehole was constructed for water supply.

Non-profit hospital

The hospital is a so-called non-profit hospital.
This means that the hospital only performs the pure medical care.
The patience have to partially pay the hospital services.
(Costs of specific treatments, such as aids, are taken over by foreign sponsors.)
For personal caregiving, every patient has to bring a relative along.
Therefore, the eldest daughter, for example, accompanies the sick person,
some kids are distributed among the relatives, and some kids also come along to the hospital.

The Comboni hospital can admit about 120 patients.

All together, around 350 to 500 people are situated in the hospital buildings.
Thereto nuns, a few doctors partially with family), numerous nurses (partially with kid),
and many apprentices. Altogether, live about 500 people on an area of 200x400 m in 14 buildings.

In 2010, about 11.000 patients were recorded.
about us             Copyright © 2013 Humanitäre Hilfe für Uganda Paderborn e.V.. All rights reserved. Last update Januar 2013